Mandinga biography, albums and lyrics - Trio de Mandinga - Biography
Mandinga is a unique band Romania.
All seven members of the band are highly trained musicians who never give up on trying to achieve perfection in what they do. The blend of sounds, the precise handling of instruments and the flawless on-stage appearance turn any Mandinga performance into a spectacular show.
Mandinga is: Elena, Alex, Chupi, Omar, El Niño, Zach and Tony.
So far, the band has released four albums and is now working on a new one:
De Corazon – 2003
Soarele meu (My Sun) – 2005
Gozalo! – 2006
Donde – 2008
Club de Mandinga – 2012 (to be released)
The band started 10 years ago. Since then they have made themselves known as the best Latino band in Romania. They are winners of the BEST LIVE award in 2009 and BEST PERFORMANCE in 2011 at the Romanian Music Awards. With an average of 300 live shows per year and countless TV appearances, Mandinga still managed to organize its own international festival and perform outstanding shows in countries like Bulgaria, Germany, Poland and Cuba. They are the proud owners of one golden record.
Mandinga has received international authentication, sharing the stage with the most important names in Latino music: Buena Vista Social Club, Manolito Simonet y Su Trabucco, Arturo Sandoval, Bamboleo, Rafaga, Havana Lounge, Billy Cobham, and Luis Conte. The single "Goochi" featuring Luis Vasquez (USA) conquered international tops in Spain, Switzerland, Peru, Bulgaria, USA and Romania.
This is one of the most dynamic, unpredictable and explosive shows you could ever witness. Balkan Social Club is a mesmerizing show in which Mandinga combine the sounds of Latino and modern day music with infectious Balkan rhythms. This type of show has so far been labeled as ingenious, surprising and fun.
The band members have literally adopted the styles of different cultures by mixing their own songs and evergreens with Balkan music and
Romanian folklore thus enriching the band’s reach when it comes to playing different genres.
Can you imagine Rihanna's “Rude Boy”, Justin Timberlake’s “Sexy Back” or even a well known classic such as Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” stripped down and rebuilt in a Balkan fashion?
The best things about Mandinga is the fact that all of its members are trained and schooled as professional musicians. And even better, their love for music started with two simple words: latin-jazz. This is one type of show in which Mandinga always delivers. Although it’s a strictly instrumental performance, the latin-jazz show by Mandinga give out very strong and positive vibrations that set the crowd in motion. Mandinga’s latin-jazz performance is not to be missed.
In today’s fast-passed and forever-changing music industry, Mandinga has always been a name that resisted to the test of time. That is because they were never afraid of creating new concepts for their live performances. “Club de Mandinga” is the name of the band’s newest type of show. It combines the energy and flavor of the band’s best know songs and some international hits with pounding club beats that are sure to make you jump with joy. The song that started the entire concept is “Zaleilah”, Mandinga’s latest single. “Zaleilah” is the name of a dance that the band invented especially for this song. This is also the name of the princess that Elena plays in the video of the song.
Mandinga este o formație românească de muzică jazz latin, salsa, merengue, latino și cumbia, formată în anul 2002. Formația a câștigat Selecția Națională 2012 cu piesa „Zaleilah” cu 22 de puncte și a reprezentat România la Concursul Muzical Eurovision 2012, fiind pe locul 12.[1]
Trupa a intrat în finala Eurovision 2012 în urma semifinalei de pe 22 mai. Prestația live din concurs a fost afectată de o problemă tehnică. După primele acorduri, solistei i s-a defectat casca de monitorizare prin care auzea negativul melodiei și vocile colegilor. Elena s-a redresat rapid și incidentul nu a afectat prestația Mandinga per ansamblu. Emoțiile au fost spulberate când România a fost prima țară finalistă anunțată de organizatori. În etapa finală, Mandinga s-a clasat pe locul 12 cu 71 de puncte.
Trupa reprezinta excelenta in materie de confluente culturale într-un spectacol fără frontiere, capabil să electrizeze cele mai exigente audiente.
Combinatia de muzicieni români şi cubanezi asigură un cadru artistic unic si apreciat.
Mix-ul de sunete, virtuozitatea si construcţia vizuala impecabila transforma orice aparitie MANDINGA într-un show spectaculos.
4 albume lansate:
De Corazon - 2003
Soarele meu - 2005
Gozalo! - 2006
Donde - 2008
Câştigători ai premiului "Cel mai bun Live" la Romanian Music Awards 2009
MANDINGA are o medie de 300 de spectacole live pe an şi nenumărate apariţii TV si in presa.
propriul său festival international salsafest
Spectacole de succes în Bulgaria, Germania, Italia, Polonia, şi Cuba.
un disc de aur
In decursul celor opt ani de existenta, Mandinga si-a menţinut poziţia de necombătut ca cea mai buna trupa latino din România.
MANDINGA a primit confirmare internaţionala, impartind scena cu cele mai importante nume din muzica latino.
Buena Vista Social Club, Manolito Simonet y su Trabucco, Arturo Sandoval, bamboleo, rafaga, lounge Havana, Billy Cobham, Luis Conte.
Piesa "Goochi" in colaborare cu Luis Vasquez (SUA) a cucerit topuri internaţionale din Spania, Elveţia, Peru, Bulgaria, SUA şi România.
Balkan Social Club Show
Balkan Social Club este un spectacol dinamic, imprevizibil şi exploziv.
Acesta imbina sunetul complex al trupei cu influente balcanice. Conceptul a fost creat pe ideea de spectacol fascinant.
Fiind un gen muzical în sine, Balkan Social Club poate fi definit drept ingenios, surprinzător, şi chiar amuzant.
Combinand piesele lor, evergreen-urile si folclorul romanesc, MANDINGA s-a inspirat din culturi diferite, care au îmbogăţit conceptul de spectacol al trupei.
Piese precum "Rude Boy" (Rihanna), "Sexy Back" (Justin Timberlake) sau "Beat it" (Michael Jackson) presarate cu teme folclorice cuceresc toate tipurile de audienţă.
Europarty - Single & Concept
Europarty este o piesa manifest care surprinde ideea de multiculturalitate promovata de trupa de la începuturi.
Mixand beat-urile moderne cu stilul lor unic, noul single Europarty are toate caracteristicile care il pot transforma intr-un imn european pentru distractie.
"From Bucharest to France" asa cum spune cântecul, MANDINGA va da startul petrecerilor, lansarea noului single fiind urmata de un turneu în Europa.
Mandinga este pe cale de a introduce un nou trend internaţional pentru distractie: Europarty.
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