Mittwoch, 8. August 2012

Elena Gheorghe Biography - Lebenslauf,Portrait,Bilder,Biografie,VIDEO and more Elena Gheorghe Biography

Elena Gheorghe Biography - Lebenslauf,Portrait,Bilder,Biografie,VIDEO and more

Elena Gheorghe Biography

Elena Gheorghe (born July 30, 1985; Romanian pronunciation: [eˈ ɡe̯orɡe]) is a Romanian singer of Aromanian descent. She was born to a Priest and his wife in the village of Clinceni next to Bucharest. She started her musical career as part of a duo along with Adela Popescu. In the first half of the 2000s she joined Latin group Mandinga with whom she released a couple of albums and a few hit singles. In 2006 she separated from the group and pursued her solo career. She released two albums and scored a top ten in the Romanian Top 100 with the debut single "Vocea ta" (Your Voice). After an internal selection, Gheorghe was elected to represent Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 with the song "The Balkan Girls" written by Laurentiu Duta. She came second in the voting result, but as the jury voted for her, she won the National Final. At Eurovision, in Moscow she qualified for the Grand Final where she came the nineteenth after accumulating a total of 40 points (12 points from Moldova). After Eurovision she became more famous Europe-wide and released her signature song "Disco Romancing" which was a smash hit in Romania as well as a top-ten in Hungary and a mild success in Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland and Slovakia. The following single "Midnight Sun" was a top-ten success in the Dutch Top 40 and in the Romanian Top 100. In 2011 she collaborated with Dony and released the single "Hot Girls" which once again charted troughout Europe. The same year she had her first European tour, getting to Germany, Spain and Greece. In the summer she got engaged to her producer and before Christmas she gave birth to a boy named Nicolas. Her latest single is called First Affair - Erotische Abenteuer & Seitensprünge
"Your Captain Tonight".

Early life and career beginnings

Elena Gheorghe was born on July 30, 1985 in the village of Clinceni next to Bucharest, the capital city of Bucharest in the family of priest Gheorghe Gheorghe. Many of her ancestors were Orthodox priests. Elena has a sister, Ana, who is a journalist and her brother, Costin, plays football for Sportul Studenţesc. Her mother, Mărioara Gheorghe is a folk artist. Elena debuted on the folk music scene with her when just three years of age with the song Sus în Deal în Poieniţă.

At age 11 she joined the Children's National Palace where she took singing lessons. In 2000 she won the gold trophy Little Bear (in Baia Mare) with One Moment In Time by Whitney Houston. In 2001 she participated in the Mamaia Festival. Elena Gheorghe is of both Romanian and

Macedonian Aromanian background.
2002—05: Career as part of Mandinga

Elena started singing with Mandinga, a very successful band in the 'Latino'genre in early 2003. In June that year, Mandinga released their first album – ...De Corazón. Mandinga was placed 4th in the Romanian National Eurovision Selection in March 2005 with the song My Sun which was awarded a golden disc one year later. In January 2006, she opened her own dance school called Passitos and a month later ended the collaboration with Mandinga, starting her solo career with the help of musical producer Laurenţiu Duţă.
2006—08: Solo career beginnings

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In June 2006 Elena released her first solo album, entitled Your Voice. In March 2007 Elena won the prize Radio România Actualitaţi for best performing act in 2006 and was nominated for the Best Song of 2006 section with the song Your Voice. In August 2007 at the Romanian Top Hit Music Awards, Elena won the award for Best Song of 2007, with the song Your Brown Eyes. Some of her songs are sung in aromanian language as Ma ţi s-adar, Lilicea Vreariei, and others.

2009: Eurovision Song Contest

In late 2008, songwriter Laurentiu Duta offered Elena a song to submit in the Romanian pre-selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. Right after New Year's Eve 2009 it was announced that Gheorghe was one of 24 semi-finalists. She competed in the semi-final and then passed to the National Final on January 31, 2009. There she came second after televoting but the jury helped her win the selection thus representing Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 with the song "The Balkan Girls". She started a promo tour all over Europe from February to May. Meanwhile, the song was already setting records as it became the first Eurovision song to be a number one in the Romanian Top 100 and Elena's first number one there. The song was performed in the second half of the first semi-final on May 12 in Moscow, Russia where it was in the first top ten positions, at number nine with 67 points. She proceeded to the Grand Final on May 16. - Hanseatisches Wein & Sekt Kontor
There she performed the twenty-second song of the evening and Gheorghe presented a concept show about wooden fairies called Iele in Romania. She came nineteenth that night gaining forty points including 12 points from Moldova, 7 points from Spain, five from Turkey and Macedonia, etc.

2010—present: European recognition and motherhood

After Eurovision she became more famous Europe-wide and released her signature song "Disco Romancing" which was a smash hit in Romania as well as a top-ten in Hungary and a mild success in Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland or Slovakia. The following single "Midnight Sun" was a top-ten success in the Dutch Top 40 and in the Romanian Top 100. In 2011 she collaborated with Dony and released the single "Hot Girls" which once again charted troughout Europe. The same year she had her first European tour, getting to Germany, Spain or Greece. In the summer she got engaged with her producer and before Christmas she gave birth to a boy named Nicolas. Her latest single is called "Amar Tu Vida". - Hanseatisches Wein & Sekt Kontor


Prenume: ELENA
Data nasterii: 30 iulie 1985
Zodie: LEU
Locul nasterii: BUCURESTI
Studii: Canto si miscare scenica la Palatul National al Copiilor
Liceul de muzica Dinu Lipatii (sectia canto clasic-actorie)Universitatea Hyperion
Facultatea de Jurnalism

Muzica: "Nu am nevoie decat de versuri frumoase si o linie melodica pe masura ca sa pot deveni cel mai bun prieten al publicului meu"!

Elena este una dintre cele mai iubite cantarete din Romania, care a avut o ascensiune rapida in industria muzicala.. Perfectionista convinsa si de o perseverenta iesita din comun, Elena contribuie cu idei si munca asidua la repetitii si punerea show-ului in scena, numarandu-se printre putinii artisti cu un concept complet.

Familie: Elena Gheorghe este jumatate aromana, jumătate ardeleanca, provine dintr-o familie de preot si crede cu tarie ca cel mai important lucru din lume este familia ei. Are o sora, Ana jurnalist, şi un frate, Costin, fotbalist de "Sportul Studentesc". Mama ei, Marioara Man Gheorghe, este cantareata de muzica populara şi a fost cea care i-a inspirat Elenei dragostea pentru muzică.

Cariera timpurie: Elena a debutat pe scena la varsta de numai 3 ani, împreună cu mama, cu melodia Sus in deal in poienita. A catat apoi alaturi de mama sa la majoritatea evenimentelor de muzica populara. La 11 ani Elena s-a inscris la Palatul Naţional al Copiilor pentru lectii de canto, iar mai apoi ajunge solista Cercului Armonia, cu care participa la multe concursuri şi turnee prin tara. În anul 2001, la numai 16 ani, Elena participa la Festivalul de la Mamaia, unul dintre cele mai importante festivaluri a industriei muzicale romanesti. Aici a câştigat o experienta de neuitat si, de asemenea, un prietena, Adela Popescu, cu care mai tarziu formeaza trupa Viva.

Cariera: In anul 2003 Elena devine solista formatiei Mandinga, un proiect ce avea sa se bucure de mare succes. În iunie acelaşi an, trupa a catat in deschiderea la Rafaga şi în aceeaşi lună Mandinga a lansat primul lor album De Corazón. În 2005, trupa ocupa locul 4 la Selectia Nationala Eurovision cu piesa Soarele meu. Un an mai tarziu, albumul lor Soarele meu a primit Discul de aur.

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În ianuarie 2006, Elena isi deschide propria scoala de dans numita Pasitos.In februarie Elena decide sa intrerupa colaborarea cu Mandinga, si porneste la drum cu sapte instrumentisti talentati, care au aceleasi lucruri in comun cu artista: muzica de calitate, interpretarea live si o atitudine care inspira si bucura publicul. Il are alaturi ca producator pe Laurentiu Duta. Cariera solo o ajuta sa urce de la o piesa la alta, de la un concert la altul, de la o aparitie la alta pe trepte inalte cu pasi repezi:

Mai, 2006 - Elena isi lanseaza primul videoclip solo din cariera, pentru melodia Vocea ta;
Iunie, 2006 - isi lanseaza primul album solo, intitulat Vocea ta;
August, 2006 - Elena si trupa sa canata in deschiderea concertului Vaya Con Dios;
Noiembrie, 2006 - obtine locul 3 la concursul Dansez pentru tine ;
Februarie, 2007 - filmeaza la Studiourile Atlantis videoclipul piesei Ochii tai caprui;
Martie, 2007 - astiga premiul Radio Romania Actualitati pentru Cea mai buna interpreta a anului 2006 si este nominalizata si la sectiunea Cea mai buna piesa a anului 2006 cu piesa Vocea ta;
August, 2007 - la Romanian Top Hit-Music Awards, piesa Ochii tai caprui castiga premiul pentru Cea mai buna piesa a anului 2007;
Decembrie, 2007 - lanseaza videoclipul piesei Te ador, de pe albumul cu acelasi nume; piesa a intrat pe primele locuri in topuri si a incins spiritele in vara anului 2008;
Septembrie, 2008 - in cadrul emisiunii Duminica in familie are loc o tripla lansare, si anume lansarea albumului de muzica armaneasca Lilicea Vreariei( Elena este primul artist care lanseaza pe piata muzicala romaneasca un album de cantece aromane), albumul pop/latino Te ador, precum si premierea videoclipului Pana la stele;

Decembrie, 2008 - primeste Trofeul Omul Anului in comunitatea aromana pt albumul demuzica armaneasca Lilicea Vreariei ;
Ianuarie, 2009 - artista isi deschide atelier de croitorie;
Ianuarie, 2009 - Elena castiga Finala Nationala Eurovision cu piesa The Balkan Girls;
Martie, 2009 - filmeaza videoclipul piesei The Balkan Girls si in aceeasi luna piesa sa Pana la stele, devine number one la cele mai importante posturi de radio din Romania ;
Aprilie, 2009 - porneste intr-un turneu de promovare The Balkan Girls in: Germania, Anglia, Belgia;
Mai, 2009 - Elena reprezinta Romania la Finala Eurovision de la Moscova, de unde se intoarce cu un loc 19, cu capul sus ca nu a dezamagit muzical si cu o vaga experienta pe plan muzical, pe care si-ar dori-o orice artist;
Iunie, 2009 - Elena se implica in mai multe campanii umanitare: "Sansa la viata, sansa la noi amintiri" este o campanie umanitara pt copii cu malformatii cardiace, "Stop abuzului sexual fata de minori", "Tinere sperante";
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Septembrie, 2009 - Elena canta alaturi de o orechestra formata din 100 de instrumentisti, in cadrul evenimentului Zilele Bucurestiului;

Noiembrie, 2009 - inregistreaza piesa I need an angel compusa de o tanara compozitoare (Diana Grigorescu), canta la serbarea a 30 de ani de Meloritm.
Mai, 2010 - Elena lanseaza videoclipul piesei Disco Romancing, piesa ce devine number one la cele mai importante posturi de radio din Romania. ;La sfarsitul verii 2010 Disco Romancing stationeaza 4 saptamanipe primul loc la difuzari
Noiembrie, 2011 - Elena lanseaza single-ul Midnight Sun.

Activitati extra-muzicale: Elena s-a implicat in campanii umanitare si continua sa faca acest lucru si la ora actuala. Artista a intins o mana de ajutor, si impreuna cu alti oameni cu suflet au adus un zambet, o speranta pe fata copiilor.

Artista a fost gazda mai multor evenimente importante, iar aceasta postura a fost o adevarata surpriza extrem de placuta pentru multi critici. Nici postrua de manechin intr-o prezentare spectaculoasa, purtand o rochie de mireasa nu i-a fost straina solistei, care s-a inteles de minune cu podiumul si publicul iubitor de moda.

Pentru ca iubeste moda si ii place sa se imbrace inedit cantareata isi creaza costumatiile de scena si pentru videoclipuri chiar in propriul atelier de croitorie.

Elena a dat startul, odata cu filmarea videoclipului Disco Romancing, unei noi pasiuni: scenografia, si astfel si-a pus amprenta la filmari. Ideile i-au apartinut iar rezultatul este categoric: Disco Romancing - cel mai bun videoclip de pana acum din cariera artistei.

Elena Gheorghe was born on July 30, 1985 in Bucharest.

She is one of the most beloved Romanian singers, that have a sparking rise in music industry.

Family: Elena Gheorghe is half Aromanian, half Ardelean and she comes from a family of priest and believes strongly that the most important thing in the world is her family. Has a sister, Ana, journalist, and a brother, Costin, the footballer of 'Sportul Studentesc'. Her mother, Marioara Man George is a singer of aromanian popular music and was the one that inspired Elena's love for music.

Early career: Elena debuted on the music scene when she was only 3 years old, singing with her mother a popular romanian song Sus în Deal în Poieniţă. She sing along her mother for the majority of popular romanian music events. At 11 years Elena joined the Children's National Palace where she took singing lessons, then go with the Harmony Circle soloist who participates in many contests, and tournaments around the country. In 2000 she won the gold trophy Little Bear contest(Baia Mare - Romania). In 2001, at only 16 years old, Elena participate at the Mamaia Festival , one of the most significant festivals of theRomanian music industry. Here she wins an unforgettable experience and also a friend, Adela Popescu among which later formed the band Viva. - Bürostühle und Büromöbel
Career: In 2003 Elena became the soloist of Mandinga, a latino band, a project that was to enjoy great success. In June that year, they played in the opening of Rafaga band and during the same month Mandinga released their first album De Corazón. In 2005 the band was placed 4th in the Romanian National Eurovision Selection with song My sun. Their album My sun was awarded a Golden disc one year later.

In January 2006 Elena opened her own dance school called Passitos and a month later ended the collaboration with Mandinga, starting her solo career with the help of musical producer Laurentiu Duta.

May, 2006 - Elena shoots her first music video for the new project - Elena, for the song Your Voice;
June, 2006 - she released her first solo album, Your Voice album that contains the super-hit My Sun;
August, 2006 - Elena sustain a recital in the opening of Vaya Con Diosband;
February, 2007 - she shoots at the Atlantis Studios the video for Your Brown Eyes song;
March, 2007 - Elena won the Radio Romania Actualitaţi prize for best performing act in 2006 and was nominated at the Best Song of 2006 section with the song Your Voice;
August, 2007 - at the Romanian Top Hit Music Awards, Elena song Your Brown Eyes won the award for Best Song of 2007;
December, 2007 - Elena released the video I adore you from the album with the same name; the song entered first positions on charts and heat the spirits in the summer of - Hanseatisches Wein & Sekt Kontor

September, 2008 - a triple release took place in at the TV-show Sunday in the family: Aromanian music album - Lilicea Vreariei (Elena is the first artist who released an Aromanian music album to Romanian music market), the pop-latin album - I adore you, and the video for the song To the stars;
December, 2008 - she was rewarded by Aromanian Community for the Aromanian music album - Lilicea Vreariei;
January, 2009 - Elena opens a fashion workshop;
January, 2009 - she wins Romanian National Eurovision Selection with the song The Balkan Girls;
March, 2009 - shoots the video The Balkan Girls and in the same month her song To the stars becomes number one at the main romanian radio stations;
April, 2009 - Elena starts a promotion tour for The Balkan Girls in Germany, England, Belgium;
May, 2009 - Elena represents Romania at Eurovision Final in Moscow, ranking number 19 and gained international experience;
July, 2009 - Elena is involved in several humanitarian campaigns: Chance at life, an opportunity to new memories, a humanitarian campaign for children with heart defects, Stop sexual abuse of minors, Young hopes ;
September, 2009 - she sings at Days of Bucharest with an orchestra formed of 100 instrumentalists;
March, 2010 - she gets involved in several aromanian music projects;
May, 2010 - Elena released her new video for the song Disco Romancing, that becomes a number one at the main romanian radio stations;
November, 2010 - Elena released her new single Midnight Sun;


First Affair - Erotische Abenteuer & Seitensprünge

"Your Captain Tonight".
Early life and career beginnings

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Posted by: Daniel Ioan Notar *DJ_DANY*

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