Alexunder Base - Biography; Photos, & Romanian House Music 2012 MixPictures, Videos, NEWS, Articles
Alexunder Base - Biography; Photos, Pictures, Videos, NEWS, Articles
Share the deep house music style made a blast and AlexUnder Base got on the sound wave and started his offensive against house minimal, but his journey didn’t stopped here, he startedworking on his own tracks featuring various artists: AlexUnder Base Feat. Frissco - Privacy [ROTON Music] AlexUnder Base Feat. MiReLa - Feelings [ROTON Music] AlexUnder Base - 'What The Fuck It Is [Original Mix] Lucian BARBULESCU & AlexUnder Base - 'Keeps Me Stronger'[Original Mix] AlexUnder Base - 'Storm' [original Mix] CASSIUS - The Sound Of Violence [AlexUnder Base Remix] CDR Alexunder Base is a DJ full of surprises and craziness for you party animals out there, stay tuned and you’ll enjoy your time!
AlexUnder Base , Dony , The Kid
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HOT Releases: AlexUnder Base, Dream City, Deea Wise
At the beginning of the weekend you bring your attention to three new releases are more likely to get in Heavy Rotation on most radio stations in the near future.
AlexUnder Base is one of the newest acquisitions of Roton record label, the first
single being promoted along with them "Privacy." The song is a collaboration with Frissco (vocals) and already appears in the "New Entry" and VibeFM Zu Radio charts.
"AlexUnder BASE - Privacy [feat FRISSCO]
Recently the band Dream City (Tom Boxer & Mike Diamondz) returned to the spotlight with a new single which will soon benefit from the video. The material was composed together with the Russian-Vanotek remixer, called
"Loving You" and the premiere took place on the radio Saturday, 14 March, SkyFM.
Deea Wise is part of recent projects built by the sea. Her first single "My Love" bears the imprint of some of the most prolific composers currently in the local music scene, Dony & The Kid, and completes this week and SkyFM VibeFM playlists.
After the success that had and still has it with "Privacy" Alexandru Enache AlexUnderBase ie, preparing a new song. The song is called "Free" and like the first song is made by The Kid & Dony. The song will be released AlexUnder Base Feat. Frissco - Free
has to be one soon and will go into heavy rotation on radio stations across the country.
Until the song will be officially lasanta will let you listen to a preview
Anhören Umschrift
Alexandru Enache, better famously by his pseudonym AlexUnder base, is a very gifted Roumanian DJ who is born in Constanta in 1984. As a new arrival he started of the scratch in a small club, club five 2002, but it did not take too long, until he made himselfknow and was invited to mix in one of the most popular clubs at that time, "club Primo".
For some time he was a resident DJ in Primo, mainly music-making in the home mixing. Shortly after a new club, club Oxford 2003 opened, and he moved 1 step higher, he started touplift and completely his skills.
The mixtures are based on the Electro house, but his knowledge made possibly a coalescence between different styles, it with the Electro funk, the channel, minimally and technological connecting.
In 2006, AlexUnder base, his income invested in perfecting mixingplatform with a point of the line DJ's equipment.
Bit by bit he was invited to mix on some living radioshows, he agreed himselfknown in clubs around the country, while he mixed in the capitals in Romania.
In 2008 the deep music-making in the home style made a blast, and AlexUnder base got into the sound wave and started his offensive against the house minimally, but his trip did not act stopped here, he startedworking on his own tracks which different artists show:
Biografie AlexUnder Base
Şi-a făcut debutul în mixing live în 2002, într-un club mic – “Club Five”, însă nu a trecut mult timp până să se facă remarcat, drept urmare a fost invitat să mixeze în cel mai popular club din acea vreme,”Club Primo”. Deşi echipamentul său nu era atât de performant, o perioadă îndelungată a fost rezident în “Primo”, unde s-a expus mult mai mult consumatorilor de muzică house. În vara anului 2003 s-a deschis un nou club,”Oxford”, acesta devenind în scurt timp locul în care şi-a pregătit seturile, şi-a perfecţionat stilul, pentru ca DJ-ul să fie un nume cunoscut.
Alex este axat în mare parte pe genul electro-house, dar nu se opreşte aici, fuziunile sale de funk, groove, minimal şi tech capătă forme deosebite când DJ-ul atinge puternic desk-urile.
Carieră muzicală AlexUnder Base
În 2008 a existat o creştere pe stilul deep house, care şi-a strâns rândurile şi a pornit ofensiva împotriva curentului minimal, dar nu se opune combinaţiilor de noi stiluri în muzica house.
AlexUnder Base nu are în principiu un idol, dar ascultă nume mari precum Audiofly, Steve Lawler, Funkagenda, Mark Knight, Rene Amesz, Paul Thomas, Anthony Collins, Monoroom, Piemont, G.I.C şi mulţi alţii. A colaborat cu câţiva DJ/producători: Ntfo, Jay Criss, Neestor, Jotto, DKay, Treitl Hammond, Smart Wave, Lucian Bărbulescu.
Aşa cum a promis în urmă cu ceva timp, se va impune în industrie, pregătind câteva surprize, şi anume, compoziţii muzicale alături de câţiva producători români consacraţi.
Cel mai bun exemplu îl reprezintă single-ul “Privacy”, care beneficiază şi de un clip, primul videoclip al artistului (AlexUnder Base Feat. Frissco – Privacy). Piesa este compusă de Dony şi The Kid, cei care au creat şi albumul lui Mihai Trăistariu. Vocalul din “Privacy” este Frissco (Ionuţ Untaru), pe care Alex l-a cunoscut în ianuarie 2009 la studioul lui Dony şi The Kid. Cu aceşti doi producători muzicali a luat legătura în 2006; din acel moment au început colaborarea, prima piesă la care au lucrat fiind “What the fuck it is”, urmând apoi “Keeps me stronger”.
După “Privacy” şi “Free” – care au avut efectul scontat – AlexUnder Base a lansat un mega hit, “Drums”, în colaborare cu Lys (cea care a avut o apariţie în videoclipul piesei “Oh Africa”, a celebrului artist Akon). Single-ul “Drums” a cucerit toate inimile, devenind una dintre cele mai ascultate melodii ale verii 2010. Aceasta s-a poziţionat pe locul al treilea în topul celor mai difuzate piese, conform clasamentului întocmit de Media Forest.
2011 îi aduce lui AlexUnder un nou hit – “Call Again” – produs de aceiaşi Dony & The Kid şi având-o drept voce feminină pe Lys.
Pe AlexUnder Base îl puteţi întâlni şi mixând la diferite evenimente. Ca să vă convingeţi de calităţile lui excepţionale de DJ, vă punem la dispoziţie câteva dintre piesele sale şi cel mai recent mix.Leave a comment and / or appreciate the article!
Posted by: *DJ_DANY*
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