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"Als ich mit dem Album begann, war mir bewusst, dass ich mich als Künstler weiterentwickeln muss", erklärt Beyoncé anlässlich der Veröffentlichung ihres neuen Doppel-Albums "I Am… Sasha Fierce". "Denn auch wenn ich in der Vergangenheit sehr erfolgreich war und das Glück auf meiner Seite hatte, möchte ich dennoch immer neue Herausforderungen suchen, ich will immer noch nervös sein und ich will immer noch begierig auf all die Dinge sein, die meine Karriere aufregend machen."
Es ist wohl genau diese Einstellung, die dafür sorgt, dass im November 2008 die Welt wieder einmal gespannt einem Beyoncés-Album entgegen fiebert. Ihr letztes Werk liegt mittlerweile mehr als zwei Jahre zurück: "B’Day", dass der US-Superstar zu ihrem 25. Geburtstag am 4. September 2006 veröffentlicht hatte, platzierte sich rund um den Globus an der Spitze der Charts, wurde mit einem Grammy ausgezeichnet und verkaufte sich weltweit mehrere Millionen Mal.
Das Besondere an "I Am… Sasha Fierce": Mit jeder der beiden CDs des Doppelalbums enthüllt Beyoncé eine andere Seite ihrer Persönlichkeit und ihres Charakters.
gibt sie der Welt einen Einblick in den Yin-und-Yang-Balanceact, den die Sängerin, Songschreiberin und Produzentin in ihrer künstlerischen Entwicklung Tag für Tag zu absolvieren hat.
Auswirkungen: Während Beyoncé auf
"I Am…"verzugsweise intime Balladen präsentiert, gibt sie das Mikrophon auf der nächsten CD an "Sasha Fierce" weiter, die mit Uptempo-Dancetracks ordentlich aufdreht.
"’Sasha Fierce’ ist mein Alter Ego, das jetzt auch einen Nachnamen hat. Sie übernimmt, wenn es an die Studioarbeit oder auf die Bühne geht. Ich habe sie erschaffen, um meine wahre Person zu schützen. Deshalb handelt jene Hälfte des Albums, die den Titel ‚I Am...’ trägt, davon, wer ich wirkli
ch bin, unter dem ganzen Make-Up, wenn die Scheinwerfer ausgehen, neben dem ganzen aufregenden Star-Leben. Sasha Fierce ist die lebenslustige, sinnliche, direkte und glamouröse Seite, die zum Vorschein kommt, wenn ich arbeite oder auf der Bühne stehe. Dieses Doppelalbum erlaubt mir, mehr Risiken einzugehen und mehr aus mir heraus zu gehen - oder besser gesagt, ‚in mich hinein zu gehen’ und eine Seite von mir zu zeigen, die normalerweise nur Menschen sehen, die mich gut kennen."
Auf "I Am…" offenbart die vielfache Grammy-Preisträgerin eine ganze Reihe musikalischer Aspekten und Interessen, die v.a. ihre Fans überraschen dürften. "Meine Einflüsse reichen von Folk über Alternative bis hin zu Songs mit akustischer Gitarre… Sachen, die anders sind, als das, was ich normalerweise singe." Mit den Stücken, an deren Produktion und Komposition sie immer beteiligt war, vereint sie die besten Elemente aus Pop und Soul, nicht ohne die traditionellen Grenzen beider Genres hier und da zu übertreten. "’I I Were A Boy’ (die erste Single der Albums) ist ein gutes Beispiel", erklärt sie, "es ist kein klassischer R&B-Song. Es ist natürlich sehr schwer, auszubrechen und Neues auszuprobieren, weil die Menschen ganz bestimmte Erwartungen haben. Ich wollte diesmal ganz einfach, dass die Leute Songs mit starken Texten zu hören bekommen, die sie emotional berühren. Ich liebe es, Balladen zu singen, denn ich denke, dass die Musik die Emotionen der Geschichten viel besser transportiert. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Musik und Text wird wesentlich deutlicher, weil man nicht ständig abgelenkt wird. Mir war wichtig, dass die Menschen hören, was ich zu sagen habe." Auf "I Am…"
Beyoncé mit einer ganzen Reihe von Songschreibern und Produzenten zusammen, mit denen sie normalerweise nie in Kontakt gekommen wäre, wie z.B. Produzent Toby Gad bei "If I Were A Boy" und die britische Songwriterin Amanda Ghost bei "Disappear"(das Beyoncé ein "kleines bisschen an die Beatles erinnert"), "Satellites" und "Ave Maria", mit dem Beyoncé die klassische Arie in einer neuen und hochinteressanten musikalischen Umgebung neu "erfindet".
"Manchmal gab es Dinge, die ich zum Ausdruck bringen wollte, aber es nicht selber konnte, also lud ich andere Schreiber ein", sagt sie. "Von den Texten her ist es das beste Album, das ich je gemacht habe. Wenn ein Song nichts aussagt und mir persönlich nichts bedeutet, kam er nicht drauf."
"Sasha Fierce" ist das komplette Gegenteil. "Sie ist die andere Seite von mir. Manchmal will man einfach nicht nachdenken, manchmal will man einfach nur Spaß haben. Sasha Fierce ist ein Partygirl, sie ist bootylicious. Sie ist es, aber ich bin es nicht. Sie ist mein Alter Ego. Letztendlich offenbare ich, wer ich wirklich bin." Der Lead-Tack auf "Sasha Fierce" ist "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)", eine Hymne an die persönliche Selbstbestimmung. "Der Song sagt: ‚Ich war so lange mit dir zusammen, aber du hast dir einfach zu viel Zeit gelassen. Ich weiß, ich sehe heiß aus und du kannst das auch sehen, aber jetzt musst du eben leiden – du hättest mir eben einen Ring an den Finger stecken sollen" , erklärt Beyoncé. "Wenn ich mir hochhackige Schuhe anziehe, dann hat das was mit Selbstbewusstsein zu tun, manchmal sogar zuviel davon und dann bekommt man all die Dinge zu hören, die Frauen helfen, sich selbst zu pushen, rauszugehen und sich neu zu orientieren."
’Sasha Fierce’ macht Spaß. Da ist z.B. der Uptempo-Song ‚Radio’, der von meiner Kindheit erzählt. Beim ersten Hören klingt es wie ein Feel-Good-Song, aber wenn man auf den Text achtet, dann stellt man fest, dass es ums Erwachsenwerden geht. Bei uns zu Hause war es so, dass ich nicht auf alle Partys ging und nicht alle Sachen gemacht habe, die andere Teenager machen, denn ich war so vernarrt in mein Radio und meine Musik. Ich liebte dieses Radio wirklich sehr und meine Eltern waren glücklich, dass ich mich für etwas Positives interessierte. Auf ‚Sasha Fierce’ versuche ich, schnelle Songs zu machen, die Spaß machen, aber gleichzeitig auch etwas mitteilen. Das ist jene Art von Songs, für die ich eigentlich bekannt bin, die ich aber mindestens genauso liebe wie die intimeren Stücke."
Auf "I Am…" finden sich "If I Were A Boy", "Halo", "Disappear", "Broken Hearted Girl", "Ave Maria" und "Satellites". "Sasha Fierce" enthält "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)", "Radio", "Diva", "Sweet Dreams" und "Video Phone". Darüber hinaus ist die Doppel-CD in einer "Deluxe Edition" erhältlich, die neben fünf Bonustracks ("Smash Into You", "That’s Why You’re Beatiful", "Hello", "Ego" und "Scared Of Lonely") auch ein umfangreiches Booklet mit zahlreichen neuen Fotos enthält. Alle Songs des neuen Albums wurden von Beyoncé (mit-) geschrieben und produziert. Darüber hinaus finden sich Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, Stargate, C. "Tricky" Stewart & Terius "The Dream" Nash, Rodney "DarkChild" Jerkins, Sean "The Pen" Garrett, Solange, Jim Jonsin, Rico Love und Ryan Tedder in den Albumcredits.
Mit ihren beiden bisherigen Longplayern "Dangerously In Love" (2003) und "B’Day" (2006) hatte das Destiny’s-Child-Gründungsmitglied Platz eins bzw. fünf der Media Control Charts erreicht. In den USA konnten sich beide Alben an die Spitze der Billboard-Charts setzen.
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter (née Beyoncé Giselle Knowles; September 4, 1981), known mononymously as Beyoncé is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer and actress. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she enrolled in various performing arts schools and was first exposed to singing and dancing competitions as a child. Knowles rose to fame in the late 1990s as the lead singer of the R&B girl group Destiny's Child, one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time.
During the hiatus of Destiny's Child, Knowles released her debut solo album, Dangerously in Love, in 2003, which spawned two number-one singles on the Billboard Hot 100—"Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy"—and became one of the most successful albums of that year, earning her a then record-tying five Grammy Awards. Following the disbandment of Destiny's Child in 2005, Knowles released her second solo album, B'Day, in 2006, which spawned the top 10 singles "Déjà Vu", "Irreplaceable" and "Beautiful Liar". Her third solo album I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008), spawned the hit singles "If I Were a Boy", "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", "Halo" and "Sweet Dreams". The album helped Knowles earn six Grammys in 2010, breaking the record for most Grammy Awards won by a female artist in one night. Knowles' fourth solo album, 4 (2011), became her fourth consecutive number one album on the Billboard 200 as a solo artist. This made her the third artist in history to have her first four studio albums debut atop the chart.
Apart from her work in music, Knowles has also ventured into acting and designing clothes and perfumes. She made her acting debut in the musical film Carmen: A Hip Hopera (2001), prior to appearing in major films, including Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002), Dreamgirls (2006), which earned her two Golden Globe nominations, Cadillac Records (2008) and Obsessed (2009). In 2005, Knowles and her mother introduced their family's fashion line, House of Deréon, and in 2010, she released her first perfume, Heat. She has endorsed brands including, L'Oréal, Pepsi, Tommy Hilfiger, Nintendo and Vizio. In 2010, Knowles was ranked first on Forbes list of the "100 Most Powerful and Influential Musicians in the World", and second on its list of the "100 Most Powerful and Influential Celebrities in the World". In 2012, she was named "World's Most Beautiful Woman" by People magazine.
Knowles' work has earned her numerous awards and accolades, including 16 Grammy Awards, 11 MTV Video Music Awards, three American Music Awards, a Billboard Millennium Award, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with Destiny's Child. In 2009, Billboard named her the Top Radio Songs Artist of the 2000s decade, and ranked her as the 4th overall Artist of the Decade (and as the First Female Artist of that period). The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), also recognized Knowles as the Top Certified Artist of the 2000s. In the US, Knowles has sold over 11.2 million albums as of May 2010,and more than 30.4 million digital singles as of January 2012. She has sold 75 million records worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Knowles appeared on VH1's 2010 list of the "100 Greatest Artists of All Time", and ranked third on their "100 Greatest Women in Music" list in 2012.In April 2008, Knowles married American rapper Jay-Z, and gave birth to their first child, Blue Ivy Carter, in January 2012.
1981–96: Early life and career beginnings
was born in Houston, Texas, the daughter of Mathew Knowles, a professional record manager, and Tina Knowles (née Beyincé), a costume designer and hair stylist. Knowles' father is African American. Her mother, a Louisiana Creole, has African, French, Native American, and Irish ancestry; she is a descendant of Acadian leader Joseph Broussard. Knowles was baptized after her mother's maiden name, as a tribute to her mother. She is the elder sister of Solange Knowles, a singer, songwriter and actress.
Knowles was educated at St. Mary's Elementary School in Fredericksburg, Texas, in the Texas Hill Country, where she was enrolled in dance classes, including ballet and jazz. Her talent in singing was discovered when her dance instructor began humming a song and she finished it, hitting the high-pitched notes. Knowles' interest in music and performing began after participating in a school talent show. She sang John Lennon's "Imagine" and won the competitio At age seven, Knowles started gaining attention from the press, having been mentioned in the Houston Chronicle as a nominee for the local performing arts award The Sammy. In the fall of 1990, Knowles enrolled in Parker Elementary School, a music magnet school in Houston, where she would perform on-stage with the school's choir. She also attended the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Houston and later went to Alief Elsik High School, located in the Houston suburban munincipality, Alief. Knowles was a member of the choir at St. John's United Methodist Church for two years, performing as a soloist.
the age of eight, Knowles met LaTavia Roberson while in an audition for an all-girl entertainment group. They, along with Knowles' childhood friend Kelly Rowland, were placed into a group that performed rapping and dancing.Originally named Girl's Tyme, they were eventually cut down to six members.West coast R&B producer Arne Frager flew into Houston to see them. He eventually brought them to his studio, The Plant Recording Studios, in Northern California, with Knowles' vocals being featured. As part of efforts to sign Girl's Tyme to a major label record deal, Frager's strategy was to début them in Star Search, the biggest talent show on national TV at the time.Girl's Tyme participated in the competition but lost it because the song they performed was not good, Knowles herself admitted. Knowles had her first "professional setback" after that defeat but regained confidence after learning that pop stars Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake had also the same experience. To manage the group, Knowles' father (who was at that time a medical-equipment salesman) resigned in 1995 from his job. He dedicated his time and established a "boot camp" for their training. The move reduced Knowles' family's income by half and her parents were forced to move into separated apartments. Not long after the inclusion of Rowland, Mathew cut the original lineup to four,with LeToya Luckett joining in 1993.Rehearsing in Tina's Headliners Salon and their backyards, the group continued performing as an opening act for other established R&B girl groups of the time; Tina contributed to the cause by designing their costumes, which she continued to do throughout the Destiny's Child era. With the continued support of Mathew, they auditioned before record labels and were finally signed to Elektra Records. They moved to Atlanta to work on their first recording, only to be cut by the record company in 1995. They returned home to start over again. This eventually put a strain on the family, and Beyoncé's parents separated briefly when she was 14. In 1996, the family reunited, and shortly after, the girls got a contract with Columbia Records.
1997–2001: Destiny's Child era and depression
The group changed its name to Destiny's Child in 1993, based on a passage in the Book of Isaiah. Together, they performed in local events and after four years on the road, the group was signed to Columbia Records in late 1997. That same year, Destiny's Child recorded their major label début song "Killing Time" for the soundtrack to the 1997 film, Men in Black. The following year, the group released their self-titled debut album, scoring their first major hit "No, No, No". The album established the group as a viable act in the music industry, amassing moderate sales and winning the group three Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards for Best R&B/Soul Single for "No, No, No", Best R&B/Soul Album of the Year and Best R&B/Soul or Rap New Artist. The group released their multi-platinum second album The Writing's on the Wall in 1999. The record features some of the group's most widely known songs such as "Bills, Bills, Bills", the group's first number-one single, "Jumpin' Jumpin'" and "Say My Name", which became their most-successful song at the time, and would remain one of their signature songs. "Say My Name" won the Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals and the Best R&B Song at the 43rd Grammy Awards. The Writing's on the Wall sold more than eight million copies. During this time, Knowles recorded a duet with Marc Nelson on the song "After All Is Said and Done" for the soundtrack to the 1999 film, The Best Man
and Roberson filed a lawsuit against the group for breach of contract. Michelle Williams and Farrah Franklin appeared in the music video of "Say My Name", implying that Luckett and Roberson had already been replaced. Eventually, Luckett and Roberson left the group. Franklin would eventually fade from the group after five months,as evidenced by her absences during promotional appearances and concerts. She attributed her departure to negative vibes in the group resulting from the strife. During this time, Knowles had experienced depression from an accumulation of struggles: the publicized split of Luckett and Roberson, being publicly attacked by the media, critics and blogs for causing the split-up, and a longstanding boyfriend (that she had dated from age 13 to 19) leaving her. The depression was so severe it lasted for a couple of years, during which she kept herself in her bedroom for days and refused to eat anything. Knowles stated that she struggled to speak about her depression because Destiny's Child had just won their first Grammy Award and she feared no one would take her seriously. All of these events had made her question herself and who her friends were, describing the situation she said, "Now that I was famous, I was afraid I'd never find somebody again to love me for me. I was afraid of making new friends."She acknowledges her mother Tina Knowles for helping her out of her depression, saying: "Why do you think a person wouldn't love you? Don't you know how smart and sweet and beautiful you are?"
After settling on their final lineup, the trio recorded "Independent Women Part I", which appeared on the soundtrack to the 2000 film, Charlie's Angels. It became their best-charting single, topping the US Billboard Hot 100 chart for eleven consecutive weeks. Later that year, Luckett and Roberson withdrew their case against their now-former band mates, while maintaining the suit against Mathew, which ended in both sides agreeing to stop public disparaging. In early 2001, while Destiny's Child was completing their third album, Knowles landed a major role in the MTV made-for-television film, Carmen: A Hip Hopera, starring alongside American actor Mekhi Phifer. Set in Philadelphia, the film is a modern interpretation of the 19th century opera Carmen by French composer Georges Bizet. Luckett and Roberson refiled their lawsuit after Destiny's Child's third album Survivor was released in May 2001, claiming that the songs were aimed at them. The album débuted at number one on US Billboard 200 chart, with first-week sales of 663,000 copies sold.To date, Survivor has sold over ten million copies worldwide, over forty percent of which were sold in the US alone. The album spawned other number-one hits, "Bootylicious" and the title track, "Survivor", the latter of which earned the group a Grammy Award for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals. After releasing their holiday album 8 Days of Christmas in October 2001, the group announced a hiatus to pursue solo careers.
2002–06: Films, Dangerously in Love, Destiny Fulfilled and B'day
In 2002, Knowles co-starred in the comedy film Austin Powers in Goldmember, playing Foxxy Cleopatra, opposite Mike Myers. Knowles recorded her first solo single "Work It Out", for the film's soundtrack. The following year, she starred opposite Cuba Gooding, Jr., in the romantic comedy film, The Fighting Temptations, and recorded numerous songs for the film's soundtrack, including "Fighting Temptation" and a cover version of "Fever".In October 2002, Knowles was featured on her then-boyfriend Jay-Z's single "'03 Bonnie & Clyde". In the United States, the song peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 and number two on the Rap Songs chart. In March 2003, Knowles released a remix of 50 Cent's single "In Da Club", which made its way onto several mixtapes.
After Williams and Rowland released their solo efforts, Knowles released her début solo album Dangerously in Love in June 2003. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 chart, with first-week sales of 317,000 copies sold. It was certified four times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Dangerously in Love has sold over 4.6 million copies in the United States, and 11 million copies worldwide. It remains as Knowles' best-selling album to date. The album's lead single "Crazy in Love", featuring Jay-Z, spent eight consecutive weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. The album's second single "Baby Boy", featuring dancehall singer Sean Paul, spent nine consecutive weeks at number one. The album's third single "Me, Myself and I", peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100, while "Naughty Girl", the fourth single, peaked at number three, and became Knowles' fourth consecutive top-five release from Dangerously in Love, and her fifth top-five hit as a solo artist. The album led Knowles to win a then record-tying five awards at the 46th Grammy Awards for Best Contemporary R&B Album, Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for "Dangerously in Love 2", Best R&B Song, Best Rap/Sung Collaboration and Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals. In November 2003, Knowles embarked on her Dangerously in Love Tour in Europe.
In March 2004, Knowles joined Alicia Keys, Missy Elliott and Tamia for the Verizon Ladies First Tour in North America. Knowles had originally planned to release a follow-up to Dangerously in Love in March 2004, which would feature some of the left-over recordings from the album. However, Knowles decided to put the album on hold in order to concentrate on the next Destiny's Child album. After a three-year journey that involved concentration on individual solo projects, Knowles rejoined Rowland and Williams to release their fourth and final album Destiny Fulfilled in November 2004. The album peaked at number two on the Billboard 200 chart. It was certified three times platinum by the RIAA. Destiny Fulfilled has sold over 3.1 million copies in the United States. The album spawned the hit singles "Lose My Breath", "Soldier" and "Cater 2 U". In April 2005, Destiny's Child embarked on their Destiny Fulfilled ... And Lovin' It tour, which ended in September of that year. During the last stop of their European leg of the tour in Barcelona, Spain, Rowland announced that Destiny's Child would disband following the North American leg of the tour.
compilation album titled Number 1's, featuring the group's number-one hits and most well-known songs, was released in October 2005. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and was certified platinum by the RIAA. Knowles' single "Check on It", featuring rapper Slim Thug, was released from the album in December 2005. The song spent five consecutive weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and became Knowles' third Hot 100 number-one as a solo artist and Slim Thug's first Hot 100 single.
In February 2006, Knowles starred opposite Steve Martin in the comedy film The Pink Panther, as international pop star Xania. In March 2006, Destiny's Child reunited to accept a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Knowles released her second studio album B'Day in September 2006; it debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, selling 541,000 copies in its first week. It gained Knowles her largest first-week sales of her solo career and became her second consecutive number one album. It was certified three times platinum by the RIAA.The album has sold over 3.2 million copies in the United States. The album's lead single, "Déjà Vu", featuring Jay-Z, peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 and topped the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. "Ring the Alarm" was released as the album's second US single, while "Irreplaceable" served as the second international single and later as the third US single. "Irreplaceable" spent ten consecutive weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and became Knowles' fourth number-one single as solo artist.
In December 2006, Knowles starred in Dreamgirls, a film adaptation of the 1981 Broadway musical about a 1960s singing group, alongside Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy and Jennifer Hudson. Knowles recorded several songs for the film's soundtrack, including the original song "Listen". Her role in the film earned her two Golden Globe Award nominations in 2007 for Best Actress and Best Original Song. On April 3, 2007, Knowles re-released B'Day as a deluxe edition, which featured five new songs, including "Beautiful Liar", a duet with Colombian recording artist Shakira. The song peaked at number three on the Billboard Hot 100. It performed better in international music markets, where it reached number one in the United Kingdom, and became Knowles' third number-one single in that country and Shakira's second. On April 10, 2007, Knowles embarked on The Beyoncé Experience tour. The tour visited over ninety venues worldwide and was later made into the concert DVD, The Beyoncé Experience Live!.
B'Day received five nominations at the 49th Grammy Awards for Best Contemporary R&B Album, Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for "Ring the Alarm" and Best R&B Song and Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "Déjà Vu". The Freemasons club mix of "Déjà Vu" without the rap was nominated for Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical. The album won the award for Best Contemporary R&B Album. The following year, B'Day received two nominations in the categories of Record of the Year for "Irreplaceable" and Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals for "Beautiful Liar". Knowles' also received a Grammy nomination for her work in Dreamgirls.
2008–10: Marriage, I Am... Sasha Fierce and films
In 2002, Knowles began dating Jay-Z, with whom she has collaborated several times. Rumors began to circulate about their relationship after Knowles was featured on "'03 Bonnie & Clyde". In spite of persistent rumors, they remained discreet about their relationship. On April 4, 2008, Knowles and Jay-Z got married in New York City.Knowles did not publicly debut her wedding ring until the Fashion Rocks concert on September 5, 2008, in New York City.Before they were married, Knowles and Jay-Z were named as a power couple in Time magazine's 100 Most Influential people of 2006.
November 2008, Forbes magazine reported that Knowles earned $80 million between June 1, 2007 to June 1, 2008, for her music, tour, films and fashion business. This made her the world's second best-paid music personality for this span of time. Knowles released her third studio album I Am... Sasha Fierce, on November 14, 2008. The album introduced Knowles' alter-ego Sasha Fierce. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and sold 482,000 copies in its first week. It became Knowles' third consecutive number-one album in the US as a solo artist. I Am... Sasha Fierce was certified double platinum by the RIAA.The album has sold over 2.9 million copies in the United States, and 7 million copies worldwide.
"If I Were a Boy" and "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" were released as the album's first and second lead singles, respectively. The first lead single peaked at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, while the second peaked at number one, and became Knowles' fifth number-one single."Single Ladies" spent four non-consecutive weeks at the top spot. Its music video has achieved fame for its intricate choreography, which has been credited as having started the "first major dance craze of both the new millennium and the Internet". Knowles revealed that the inspiration for the video was a 1969 Bob Fosse routine entitled "Mexican Breakfast" seen on The Ed Sullivan Show, which featured Fosse's wife, Gwen Verdon, dancing with two other women.This prompted a legion of imitations and parodies from men and women all around the world, including celebrities Justin Timberlake Joe Jonas, Tom Hanks and US President Barack Obama. The music video received nine nominations at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards and ultimately won the award for Video of the Year and an additional two awards, though its loss in the Best Female Video category to Taylor Swift's "You Belong with Me" led to a controversy during the ceremony.
In December 2008, Knowles starred in the musical biographical film Cadillac Records as blues singer Etta James. She performed James' classic hit "At Last" at The Neighborhood Inaugural Ball of Barack Obama and his wife Michelle's first dance as President and First Lady of the United States on January 20, 2009. "Diva" was released as the third US single from I Am... Sasha Fierce, while "Halo" served as the third international single, and later as the fourth US single. The song peaked at number five on the Billboard Hot 100, and became Knowles' twelfth Hot 100 top-ten single as a solo artist. With this feat, Knowles achieved more top tens on the Hot 100 than any other female artist of the 2000s decade."Ego" was released as the fifth US single from I Am... Sasha Fierce, and subsequently came up with a remix featuring additional vocals from Kanye West. The song peaked at number 39 on the Billboard Hot 100. "Broken-Hearted Girl" and "Sweet Dreams" became the album's sixth and seventh singles, respectively. In January 2009, Forbes magazine ranked Knowles and Jay-Z as Hollywood's top-earning couple, with a combined total of $162 million. They also made it to the top of the list the following year, with a combined total of $122 million between June 2008 and June 2009.To promote I Am... Sasha Fierce, Knowles embarked on her worldwide I Am... Tour in March 2009. According to Pollstar, the tour earned Knowles $103.2 million for its 97 shows. In April 2009, Knowles starred opposite Ali Larter and Idris Elba in the thriller film, Obsessed. The film grossed $11.1 million on its first day of release, and ended its opening weekend at number one with a total of $28.5 million.
June 2009, Forbes listed Knowles fourth on its list of the "100 Most Powerful and Influential Celebrities in the World", third on its list of the "Top-Grossing Musicians", and first on the list of "Top Best-Paid Celebs Under 30" with over $87 million in earnings between 2008 and 2009. "Video Phone" was released as the eighth and final single from I Am... Sasha Fierce, with a music video and digital download release taking form of an extended remix, featuring Lady Gaga. Its music video received two nominations at the 2010 BET Awards for Video of the Year and Best Collaboration, winning the former category on June 27, 2010. It also received five nominations at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, in the categories of Best Choreography, Best Collaboration, Best Pop Video, Best Female Video and Best Art Direction. At the 52nd Grammy Awards, Knowles received ten nominations, including Album of the Year for I Am... Sasha Fierce, Record of the Year for "Halo", and Song of the Year for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", among others. She tied with Lauryn Hill for most Grammy nominations in a single year by a female artist. Knowles ultimately set the record for the most Grammy awards won on a single night by a female artist, when she won six awards from her ten nominations; Song of the Year, Best R&B Song and Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for "Single Ladies", Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for "Halo", Best Contemporary R&B Album and Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance for "At Last".
2010–2011: New management and 4
In January 2010, Knowles was interviewed by USA Today and announced plans to take a break from music in 2010. She stated: "It's definitely time to take a break, to recharge my batteries. ... I'd like to take about six months and not go into the studio. I need to just live life, to be inspired by things again." During this time, a 60 Minutes segment aired, that revealed Knowles was homeschooled as a child and prays before every live performance. In February 2010, Knowles was featured on Lady Gaga's single "Telephone". The single reached number one on the US Pop Songs chart, thus becoming the sixth number-one on the chart for both Knowles and Lady Gaga. With this, they both tied with Mariah Carey for most number-ones since the Nielsen BDS-based Top 40 airplay chart launched in 1992."Telephone" received a Grammy nomination for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals at the 53rd Grammy Awards. In June 2010, Forbes placed Knowles at number three on its list of "Top-Earning Musicians" with $87 million in grosses for her 93-date world tour, deals with Nintendo and L'Oréal and her House of Deréon clothing line. This made her the world's best paid female artist for this span of time. In October 2010, Forbes recognized Knowles as the ninth "Most Powerful Woman in the World". She was also ranked at ninth place on Forbes' list of "Hollywood's 20 Highest Earners of 2010", becoming the only artist to break the top ten.
In January 2011, it was announced that Knowles would appear in a remake of A Star Is Born, to be directed and produced by Clint Eastwood for Warner Bros.. The remake will be the fourth telling of the A Star Is Born tale, the most memorable in recent years being the 1976 version with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson.In February 2011, documents obtained by the WikiLeaks website revealed that Knowles along with Usher, Mariah Carey and Nelly Furtado had received as much as $1 million to perform for family members of Libyan politician Muammar Gaddafi. Rolling Stone magazine reported that the music industry was urging them to return the money they earned for the concerts.On March 2, 2011, a spokesperson for Knowles told The Huffington Post that she had donated the money to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, established to aid the victims of the 2010 Haiti earthquake. On March 28, 2011, it was announced that Knowles' father and longtime manager Mathew Knowles would no longer manage her career. Knowles' publicist released a statement to The Associated Press revealing that Knowles and her father have split "on a business level." She now manages herself and has hired her own management team. In June 2011, Forbes placed Knowles eighth on its list of "Best-Paid Celebrities Under 30" for earning $35 million between the months of May 2010 and 2011. Forbes noted that the low placement for Knowles was due to the fact she spent most of the past year off the road and recording her then upcoming fourth studio album.
Knowles' fourth studio album 4 was released on June 24, 2011. The album was inspired by several musicians, including Fela Kuti, The Stylistics, Lauryn Hill, Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, with first-week sales of 310,000 copies. This gave Knowles her fourth consecutive number one album in the US, and makes her the second female artist and third artist overall, to have her first four studio albums debut atop the Billboard 200. However, 4's first-week sales served as Knowles' lowest sales start with a studio album to date. Its lead single "Run the World (Girls)" peaked at number 29 on the Billboard Hot 100, and became Knowles' lowest charting lead single as a solo artist. The album's second single "Best Thing I Never Had" was released on June 1, 2011. It peaked at number 16 on the Billboard Hot 100. Knowles headlined at the 2011 Glastonbury Festival, performing a 90-minute set on the last day of the festival on June 26, 2011. She also performed at the T in the Park Festival in Scotland on July 9, 2011 and the Oxegen Festival in Ireland the next day. Knowles took the stage at New York's Roseland Ballroom for four nights of special performances. The set on each night of the 4 Intimate Nights with Beyoncé concerts was the entire collection of 4. For these four special nights, August 14, 16, 18 and 19, she performed her new songs to a standing room only audience.
August 28, 2011 at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, Knowles announced that she and Jay-Z were expecting their first child. She made the announcement during her red carpet appearance and again at the end of her performance of "Love on Top" by rubbing her growing stomach. The Huffington Post later confirmed that Knowles was 5 months pregnant and her pregnancy announcement had broken the "most tweets per second recorded for a single event" Twitter record, receiving 8,868 tweets per second. MTV reported that Knowles' performance of "Love on Top" and the announcement of her pregnancy at the awards ceremony helped the 2011's MTV Video Music Awards become the most-watched broadcast in MTV history, pulling in 12.4 million viewers. In addition, data from Google Insights showed that the most searched for term from August 29, 2011 to September 4, 2011 was "Beyonce pregnant" which reached 'breakout' levels – a term used by Google to describe a search with an increase of over 5,000 percent. Knowles' announcement of her pregnancy resulted in an increase in sales of her records, particularly 4, which had sold around 700,000 copies by August 2011, eventually being certified platinum by the RIAA.The album has since sold 1,135,700 copies in the United States and 2,100,000 copies worldwide.
On October 8, a pre-taped performance of Knowles performing Michael Jackson's "I Wanna Be Where You Are" was shown at the Michael Forever tribute concert at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, Wales.In November 2011, Knowles was named the Highest Paid Performer Per Minute in the world by social media website, earning £1.25 million for a five-song performance at a private New Year's Eve 2010 party on the island of St. Barts, equating to £71,040 for each minute she was on the stage. On November 30, 2011, Knowles received two nominations for the 54th Grammy Awards; Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for "Party", and Best Long Form Music Video for I Am... World Tour. In December 2011, Knowles was placed fourth on Forbes magazine's 2011 list of the "Top-Earning Women In Music" for earning $35 million.
2012: Motherhood and upcoming projects
On January 7, 2012, Knowles gave birth to a daughter, named Blue Ivy Carter, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. Two days later, Jay-Z released "Glory", a song dedicated to their child, on his social website The song detailed the couple's pregnancy struggles, including a miscarriage Knowles suffered before becoming pregnant with their daughter.[138] Because Carter's cries were included at the end of the song and she was officially credited on the song as "B.I.C", at 2 days old she became the youngest person ever to appear on a Billboard chart when "Glory" debuted on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart at number 74.
February 16, 2012, it was confirmed by Ryan Tedder that Knowles had already begun work on two new albums, saying "The conversations about her next album literally just started and there [are] two projects happening." She is also working with The-Dream, Kanye West, Hit-Boy and Diane Warren to record new music. In May 2012, Knowles was ranked at number 14 on Forbes' list of the "World's 20 Most Powerful Moms" Forbes also announced their 2012 Celebrity 100 list, which showed Knowles had made earnings of $40 million in 2011, but noted again this was particularly low for Knowles, due to her going on break because of her pregnancy as well as not touring. On May 15, 2012, Knowles won a Writing Award from the New York Association of Black Journalists, for her July 2011 Essence magazine cover story "Eat, Play, Love," which talks about her nine-month break from music in 2010. Knowles received two nominations at the 2012 Billboard Music Awards in the categories of Top R&B Artist and Top R&B Album for 4, winning the latter award on May 20, 2012.
Knowles took the stage at Revel Atlantic City's Ovation Hall for four nights of performances (May 25–28, 2012) to celebrate the resort's opening. The Revel Presents: Beyoncé Live concerts were noted as Knowles' first performances since giving birth to her daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, in January of the same year. The performances were met with universal acclaim from critics and fans, including US First Lady Michelle Obama, husband Jay-Z, and the Governor of New Jersey Christopher J. Christie.On May 31, 2012, it was announced that Knowles will be cast as Queen Tara in the upcoming 3D CGI animated film titled Epic to be released by 20th Century Fox. In August 2012, it was announced that Knowles will produce, direct, and star in a biographical documentary about her life and career. That same month, Knowles and her husband Jay-Z were ranked at number one on Forbes' list of the "World's Highest-Paid Celebrity Couples".
Music and voice
' music is generally contemporary R&B, but she also incorporates pop, funk, hip hop, and soul into her songs. While she almost exclusively releases English songs, Knowles recorded several Spanish songs for Irreemplazable and the re-release of B'Day. Prior to recording these, Knowles was coached phonetically by American record producer Rudy Perez. Since Destiny's Child, Knowles has artistically been involved in her career. She received co-writing credits for most of the songs recorded by the group, as well as her solo efforts. Known for writing personally driven and female-empowerment themed compositions, Knowles has stated that having Jay-Z in her life has changed a few of her thoughts about how men and women relate to one another, which helped her transition from writing songs such as "Independent Women" and "Survivor" to man-tending anthems such as "Cater 2 U", in which she sings about bringing him slippers and drawing his bath. Some of her songs are autobiographical, which she has admitted are taken from personal experiences, as well as her friends'. Knowles has also received co-producing credits for most of the records in which she has been involved, especially during her solo efforts. However, she does not formulate beats herself, but typically comes up with melodies and ideas during production, sharing them with producers. Knowles was recognized as a songwriter during the run of Destiny's Child in the 1990s and early to mid-2000s. She won the Pop Songwriter of the Year award at the 2001 American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers Pop Music Awards, becoming the first African-American female and second female songwriter of all time to accomplish the feat. Knowles received songwriting credits in a single year for co-writing "Irreplaceable", "Grillz" and "Check on It", all of which reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100, the only woman to have written three songs which went to number-one in the same year since Carole King did it in 1971 and Mariah Carey in 1991. In terms of credits, she is tied with Diane Warren at third with nine number-one singles.
Knowles possesses a mezzo-soprano vocal range that spans more than three octaves. She has often been identified as the centerpiece of Destiny's Child. Jon Pareles of The New York Times commented that she has the voice that defines the group, writing that her voice is "velvety yet tart, with an insistent flutter and reserves of soul belting". Other critics praise her range and power. In reviewing her second album B'Day, Jody Rosen of Entertainment Weekly wrote "Beyoncé Knowles is a storm system disguised as a singer. On her second solo album, B'Day, the songs arrive in huge gusts of rhythm and emotion, with Beyoncé's voice rippling over clattery beats; you'd have to search far and wide—perhaps in the halls of the Metropolitan Opera – to find a vocalist who sings with more sheer force ... No one—not R. Kelly, not Usher, to say nothing of her rival pop divas—can match Beyoncé's genius for dragging her vocal lines against a hip-hop beat."Chris Richards of The Washington Post wrote, "Even when she's coasting, she soars above her imitators. It's all in her voice—a superhuman instrument capable of punctuating any beat with goose-bump-inducing whispers or full-bore diva-roars. Smitten, scorned, amorous, antagonistic—Beyoncé sings from all of these vantage points with undeniable virtuosity."Knowles has often been criticized for oversinging. A prominent employer of melisma, she earns frequent comparison to such artists as Mariah Carey, whose vocal embellishments have been known to detract from the melody of their songs.
"With 'Single Ladies,' clearly I'd just gotten married, and people want to get married every day - then there was the whole Justin Timberlake thing [recreating the video] on "Saturday Night Live," and it was also the year YouTube blew up. With 'Irreplaceable,' the aggressive lyrics, the acoustic guitar, and the 808 drum machine - those things don't typically go together, and it sounded fresh. 'Crazy in Love' was another one of those classic moments in pop culture that none of us expected. I asked Jay to get on the song the night before I had to turn my album in - thank God he did. It still never gets old, no matter how many times I sing it."
—Knowles reflects on her musical style and the impact it has had on her life and pop culture during her Billboard Cover story in 2011
Knowles' credits Michael Jackson as her major musical influence and idol. Knowles has also named Diana Ross as another one of her influences because "she's an all-around entertainer: a great actor, a good singer, and a beautiful, elegant woman. She's one of the few singers able to cross over into really good movies." Knowles cites Whitney Houston as another idol saying she "inspired [her] to get up there and do what [she] did." Her other musical influences include Cher, Tina Turner, Prince, Lauryn Hill, Sade Adu, Aaliyah, Mary J. Blige, Janet Jackson, Anita Baker and Rachelle Ferrell. Knowles credits Mariah Carey's singing and her song "Vision of Love" as influencing her to begin practicing vocal runs as a child, as well as helping her pursue a career as a musician. She is also inspired by Oprah Winfrey and US First Lady Michelle Obama Knowles says Winfrey is "the definition of inspiration and a strong woman. When I'm around her, I want to stand up straight, pronounce my words right, and articulate."
Many of the themes and musical styles on Knowles' second solo album B'Day (2006) were inspired by her role in Dreamgirls (2006). She was inspired to produce an album with an overriding theme of feminism and female empowerment. Knowles also cited Josephine Baker as an influence on the album. Knowles' paid homage to Baker by performing "Déjà Vu" at the Fashion Rocks concert on September 8, 2006, with Knowles and her female dancers wearing Baker's trademark mini-hula skirt embellished with fake bananas. For Knowles' third solo album I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008), she was inspired by Jay-Z and especially by Etta James, whose "boldness" inspired Knowles to explore other musical genres and styles. On her fourth solo album 4 (2011), Knowles acknowledged that she was inspired by Fela Kuti, 1990s R&B, Earth, Wind & Fire, DeBarge, Lionel Richie, Teena Marie with additional influences by The Jackson 5, New Edition, Adele, Florence and the Machine and Prince. Knowles also mentioned that she was influenced by Jay-Z's own work as well.
Stage and alter ego
In 2006, Knowles introduced her all-female tour band Suga Mama, which includes bassists, drummers, guitarists, horn players, keyboardists and percussionists. They made their début appearance at the 2006 BET Awards and re-appeared in the music videos for "Irreplaceable" and "Green Light". The band has also supported Knowles in live performances, including her 2007 concert tour The Beyoncé Experience and her 2009 I Am... Tour.
often receives praise for her stage presence and live performances. Jarett Wieselman of the New York Post placed Knowles at number one on her list of The Five Best Singer/Dancers, writing, "the megastar consistently devote[s] every ounce of her to the routine." In reviewing her I Am... Tour, Renee Michelle Harris of South Florida Times wrote, Knowles "owns the stage with her trademark swagger and intensity ... showcasing her powerful vocals without missing a note, often while engaged in vigorous, perfectly executed dance moves ... no one, not Britney, not Ciara and not Rihanna can offer what she does—a complete package of voice, moves and presence." Barbara Ellen of The Guardian wrote, "whether charismatic and soulful, or teasing and flirty, Beyoncé is, above all, in charge. Probably the most in charge of any female artist I've seen onstage".Alice Jones of The Independent wrote, "Watching Beyoncé sing and strut her stuff can feel at best overawing, at worst, alienating. She takes her role as entertainer so seriously she's almost too good Tamara Hardingham-Gill of the Daily Mail wrote, "many industry experts have been tipping Beyoncé as the next Michael Jackson. While it's far too early for such comparisons, she certainly proved that she is one of the most exciting and talented performers around and may well go down in history as such".
"Dangerously in Love" (live)
Knowles has received widespread praise for her live vocal performances.
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Reviewers have praised Knowles live vocal performances. In reviewing one of her performances, Jim Farber of the Daily News wrote "Beyoncé showed off pipes of steely power. As the song's signature horn riff pumped away, she soared over the melody with athletic ease. The way Beyoncé used her body intensified the sense of triumph. With her hair teased into Medusa-like tresses, a pelvis in perpetual churn and legs long enough to make Tina Turner proud, Beyoncé's presence punctuated her singing like an exclamation point." Stephanie Classen of Star Phoenix declares "Beyoncé is no ordinary performer ... from note one, the 27-year-old powerhouse rose above all the gimmicks, mastering the show like a sexy alien overlord princess. Nothing but extraterrestrial origins could explain that voice ... could perform circles around any other pop star today."[196] Editors of Newsday wrote, "she proves that hot choreography and strong vocals don't have to be mutually exclusive ... No worries of lip-synching here."
Known for being "sexy, seductive and provocative" when performing on stage, Knowles has stated that's her alter ego Sasha Fierce. She described Sasha as being "too aggressive, too strong, too sassy [and] too sexy", stating: "I'm not like her in real life at all ... I'm not flirtatious and super-confident and fearless like her. What I feel onstage I don't feel anywhere else. It's an out-of-body experience. I created my stage persona to protect myself so that when I go home I don't have to think about what it is I do. Sasha isn't me. The people around me know who I really am." Although Sasha was born during the making of "Crazy in Love", Knowles introduced her alter ego with the release of her third album I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008). In February 2010, Knowles announced in an interview with Allure magazine that "Sasha Fierce is done. I killed her". She then went on saying that she is comfortable enough with herself to be all of those things without an alias, stating: "I don't need Sasha Fierce anymore, because I've grown and now I'm able to merge the two."In May 2012, Knowles announced that she would be bringing Sasha Fierce back for her Revel shows.
Public image
Knowles has stated: "I like to dress sexy and I carry myself like a lady," but she has said that the way she dresses on stage is "absolutely for the stage". The media often use the term "Bootylicious" (a portmanteau of the words booty and delicious), to describe Knowles because of her curves. The term was made widely known by the Destiny's Child single of the same name, and has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary.As someone who is fond of fashion, Knowles combines its artistic elements with her music videos and performances. According to Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli, she uses different styles and tries to harmonize it with the music while performing. The B'Day Anthology Video Album showed many instances of fashion-oriented footage, depicting classic to contemporary wardrobe styles.People magazine recognized Knowles as the best-dressed celebrity in 2007. Knowles' mother wrote a 2002-published book, titled Destiny's Style: Bootylicious Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Secrets From Destiny's Child, an account of how fashion had an impact on Destiny's Child's success.As one of the most media-exposed black celebrities in the United States, Knowles has often received criticism that some believe is due to racism and sexism. Toure of Rolling Stone stated that since the release of Dangerously in Love (2003), "[Beyoncé] has become a crossover sex symbol a la Halle Berry ..."In 2006, the animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), had criticized Knowles for wearing fur coats and using fur in her clothing line House of Deréon.
A wax sculpture of Knowles
the release of Rihanna's second album A Girl Like Me (2006), many critics felt that her image was too heavily similar to Knowles'. Some media even claimed that Jay-Z fashioned her to be a replica of Knowles. Amina Taylor of The Guardian described Rihanna as the "Bajan Beyoncé". In 2007, Knowles was featured on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, and became the first non-model and non-athlete woman to pose on the issue, and the second model of African American descent after Tyra Banks. In the same year, Knowles appeared on billboards and newspapers across the United States showing her holding an antiquated cigarette holder. Taken from the back cover of B'Day, the image provoked response from an anti-smoking group, stating that she did not need to add the cigarette holder "to make herself appear more sophisticated".Knowles has several wax figures of herself at Madame Tussauds Wax Museums in major cities around the world, including New York, Washington, D.C.,Amsterdam,Bangkok and Hollywood.
In March 2009, comparisons were made between the fashions of Knowles and Ciara, when the latter released the music video of her single "Love Sex Magic". In the video, Ciara is seen wearing a black leotard and metallic glasses, similar to those worn by Knowles in both her "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" and "Diva" videos. However, Ciara stated that her outfits were "inspired by the Vegas shows" she attended. In September 2010, Knowles made her runway modelling debut at Tom Ford's Spring/Summer 2011 fashion show.In February 2011, LA Times magazine placed Knowles at number 25 on its list of the 50 Most Beautiful Women in Film. During the same month, Knowles appeared on the cover of the March issue of French fashion magazine L'Officiel, in honor of the magazine's 90th anniversary and in tribute to Nigerian musician Fela Kuti. Knowles appeared in blackface and tribal makeup, that had drawn criticism from the media. A statement released from a spokesperson for the magazine, said that Knowles' look was "far from the glamorous Sasha Fierce" and explained that it was "a return to her African roots, as you can see on the picture, on which her face was voluntarily darkened."In June 2011, Knowles became the first major solo female artist to perform on the Pyramid stage, in over twenty years, at the Glastonbury Festival in England. Men's Health magazine named Knowles one of the "100 Hottest Women of All-Time", ranking her at number 33. In 2012, she was named "World's Most Beautiful Woman" by People magazine.
In November 2009, Knowles was named the Artist of the Decade by The Observer. December 2009, Billboard magazine ranked Knowles the fourth Artist of the 2000s decade and named her the most successful female artist of the 2000s, as well as the top radio artist.Knowles was also ranked 15th on Billboard magazine's list of The Top 50 R&B/Hip Hop Artists of the Past 25 Years (1985–2010). In February 2010, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), listed Knowles as the top certified artist of the decade, with a total of 64 certifications, including albums, digital songs, master ringtones and music videos In August 2010, Knowles was ranked 52nd on VH1's list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. In 2011, The Root magazine ranked Knowles 13th on their list of The 100 Most Influential African Americans.In May 2011, Keith Caulfield and Gary Trust of Billboard magazine listed Knowles at number 17 on their list of the Top 20 Hot 100 Songwriters, for having co-written eight singles that hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. She was one of only three women on that list.In September 2011, it was made known that Knowles had set a new Guinness World Records, for most tweets per second about her pregnancy. A year earlier, Knowles and her husband Jay-Z made it into the Guinness Book of World Records, cited as the "Power Couple" for collectively earning $122 million in 2009. On September 29, 2011, "Crazy in Love" was ranked number one on VH1's list of The 100 Greatest Songs of the 2000s. In October 2011, Prefix magazine listed Knowles at number one on their list of the Best Female R&B Singers, writing that "What's almost unbelievably insane is that not only can Beyoncé sing better than anybody else out there, but she can also dance better than anyone else out there, and unlike virtually every single performer, she can do both at the same time."
her career, Knowles has received numerous awards and achievements. In 2007, she became the first female artist to be awarded the International Artist Award at the American Music Awards.At the 2008 World Music Awards, Knowles was honored the legend award for Outstanding Contribution to the Arts. At the 2011 Billboard Music Awards, she was honored with a Billboard Millennium Award for recognizing her career achievements and influence in the music industry. Knowles is one of the most honored artists by the Grammys, and third among female artists, with a total of 16 Grammy Awards—13 as a solo artist and 3 as a member of Destiny's Child.Her debut solo album, Dangerously in Love, was listed as one of the top 200 definitive albums in music history by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.As of September 2009, Knowles has sold 75 million records worldwide as a solo artist, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Knowles' music video for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" has achieved fame for its intricate choreography, which has been credited as having started the "first major dance craze of both the new millennium and the Internet". This prompted a legion of imitations and parodies from men and women all around the world posting videos of themselves onto YouTube attempting to perform the choreography. Celebrities have also tried the choreography, including Justin Timberlake, Joe Jonas, Tom Hanks and US President Barack Obama.
Knowles has had much praise over the course of her career, with several artists citing her as an inspiration. Rihanna stated that she was inspired by Knowles because "when she came out with Dangerously in Love ... I was like 'wow, I want to be just like that.' She's huge and just an inspiration and one of the artists that I admire a lot." Alexandra Burke, who performed with Knowles during The X Factor (UK) 2008 final,stated that she took inspiration from Knowles for her first headlining tour. Leona Lewis commented: "Beyoncé is great, so lovely and down to earth and talented. She's inspiring." Lewis further commented that she would like to become an actress like Knowles. Jessie J stated that she would like to be as successful as Knowles within the next decade. Nicki Minaj commented that she admires Knowles a lot, stating: "Just her name alone defines greatness, right? That push that every woman wants to be ... that driven." JoJo stated that she looks to Knowles for inspiration in her music because "I think she's incredible as an entertainer, a role model, and a writer. I think she can do it all." While speaking of her image, Nicole Scherzinger stated: "I am inspired by women like Beyoncé who wear costumes that aren't much but they are real artists and they put real artistry into what they do and that is how I pride myself." Adele commented: "I don't know her but she's a huge part of my life ... Everything I refer to has always got something to do with Destiny's Child or her. She just knows what she wants. She's in control of it all. She's classy. She's still totally fucking relevant. And just a nice person." Adele also revealed that she was inspired by Knowles' alter ego Sasha Fierce, to create her own named Sasha Carter. The composite of Sasha Fierce and late country icon June Carter, is pulled out whenever she needs to give herself a shot of confidence. Hillary Scott of the country pop group Lady Antebellum stated that Knowles is one of the female artists she admires and looks up to. Rita Ora cited Knowles as one of her idols. Australian recording artist Ricki-Lee Coulter named Knowles as one of her musical influences, stating: "She's so driven, she pushes herself to the limits and she's achieved so much but she's always looking for what that next thing is and how she can improve from what she's done in the past. She's really setting the benchmark for female artists and I think she kind of is the Michael Jackson of this generation." Cheryl Cole cited Knowles as a big inspiration for her career, stating: "I just think she's such a beautiful person, inside and out. Apart from what she does on the stage, which is obviously incredible and aspirational, I just like her as a woman ... She's empowering, and I like that." Kelly Rowland cited Knowles as an inspiration while recording her second solo album, Ms. Kelly (2007). American indie rock band White Rabbits also cited Knowles an inspiration for their third studio album.British girl group Little Mix cited Knowles as an influence for their single "Wings".
Gwyneth Paltrow stated that she studied Knowles a lot at her live concerts, while learning to become a musical performer in the film Country Strong (2010). Katy Perry commented that she looked to Knowles for some "trend-setting inspiration", stating: "I've adopted the Beyoncé leg. ... When I saw her on tour, she had these glowing legs."Trey Songz named Knowles as his favorite female singer and stated: "I followed her since Destiny's Child's first single and I truly think she's deserving of all that she has. She works extremely hard. She's an amazing performer, vocalist, and even outside of that, she's an amazing businesswoman. She's the perfect model for what an artist can be." Miley Cyrus commented that she would like to be like Knowles, stating: "She is the ultimate woman. You look at her and you don't think, I wonder what her personal life is like. You look at her and you go, that girl on the stage is a superstar. You don't care about anything else; you only care about her music. So I would hope that would be me in the future." Lady Gaga recalled: "I've never told Beyoncé this, but I remember laying on my grandmother's couch crying, and a Destiny's Child video came on. I remember watching Beyoncé thinking, 'Oh, she's a star. I want that. I want to be on MTV'. And now I'm in music videos with Beyoncé." Blondie frontwoman Debbie Harry revealed that she was disappointed that she never became a "megastar" like Knowles, stating: "the temptation to be such a great entertainer and performer like Beyoncé [is] so fantastic. I would adore doing some of that stuff. Her track record with songs is phenomenal; I wish we had as many hits." Simon Cowell stated that she is "Ambitious, talented, competitive. She defines this new breed of what I call super popstars, and they are all girls at the moment. It's like a new super species who literally want to rule the world." LA Reid commented that Knowles "may arguably be the most talented performer alive." Matthew Morrison stated that watching the "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" music video made him realize that Knowles is an icon. "As a singer-dancer myself, I know how hard and how rare it is to have that combination. Beyoncé is so amazing at both and then to see her act as well in Dreamgirls, it's pretty amazing".Fergie of the hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas stated "Beyoncé has always been an icon to me. She's one of the most talented artists of our generation."
January 2012, it was announced that Scaptia beyonceae, a species of horse fly found in northern Queensland, Australia, was named after Knowles. Bryan Lessard, the research scientist who named the species, did so due to the fly's unique golden hairs on its abdomen, calling it the "all-time diva of flies".On January 27, 2012, Knowles and Jay-Z were ranked at number 13 on Billboard magazine's 2012 Power 100 list, a ranking of the most powerful people in the music business. On January 28, 2012, it was announced that the My Fox Houston company are planning to build a monument for Knowles in her hometown, Houston. The monument will include a "massive hall" and "mini museum" devoted to Knowles and Destiny's Child. It was also made known that Rutgers University in New Jersey, have a course named after Knowles called "Politicizing Beyoncé".The course allows students to explore the "social and cultural significance" of Knowles' music and image, including her alter ego Sasha Fierce and whether Knowles "racy performances" are of female sexual empowerment or "merely complying with western gender stereotypes".
Other ventures
House of Deréon
Knowles and her mother introduced House of Deréon, a ready-to-wear contemporary women's fashion line, in 2005. The concept is inspired by three generations of women in their family, with the name Deréon paying tribute to Knowles' grandmother, Agnèz Deréon, who worked as a seamstress. According to Tina Knowles, the overall style of the line best reflects Knowles' taste and style. Knowles and her mother founded their family's company Beyond Productions, which provides the licensing and brand management for Deréon, a "junior lifestyle collection", and House of Deréon. Products of House of Deréon received public exhibitions through Destiny's Child's shows and tours, during their Destiny Fulfilled era. The House of Deréon collection features sportswear, denim offerings with fur, outerwear and accessories that include handbags and footwear, which are available at department and specialty stores across the United States and Canada.
In 2005, Knowles teamed up with House of Brands, a local shoe company, to produce a range of footwear for House of Deréon. In January 2008, Starwave Mobile launched Beyoncé Fashion Diva, a "high-style" mobile game with an online social networking component, featuring the House of Deréon collection. In July 2009, Knowles and her mother launched a new junior apparel label, Sasha Fierce for Deréon, for back-to-school selling. The collection included sportswear, outerwear, handbags, footwear, eyewear, lingerie and jewelry. It was available to buy at department stores including Macy's and Dillard's, and specialty stores Jimmy Jazz and Against All Odds. On May 27, 2010, Knowles teamed up with clothing store C&A to launch Deréon by Beyoncé at C&A stores in Brazil.The collection included Tailored blazers with padded shoulders, little black dresses, embroidered tops and shirts and bandage dresses.
Products and endorsements
2002, Knowles signed a promotional deal with Pepsi to appear in two television commercials, as well as in radio and Internet advertisements and in-store promotional materials. A 2004 Pepsi television commercial in the theme of "Gladiators" featured Knowles with singers Britney Spears, Pink, and Enrique Iglesias, and the following year with Jennifer Lopez and David Beckham on a commercial called "Samurai".Knowles' range of commercial deals and products also includes beauty care products and perfumes. She has worked with L'Oréal since the age of 18. In 2004, Knowles launched her fragrance, True Star, with Tommy Hilfiger. The commercial for the scent was shot in black and white and has Knowles singing a cover version of "Wishing on a Star", for which she earned $250,000. The following year, Knowles launched her second fragrance with Hilfiger called True Star Gold. In 2007, Knowles appeared in an advertisement campaign for the Emporio Armani Diamonds fragrance.
In March 2009, Knowles appeared in a television commercial for the Nintendo DS game Rhythm Heaven. In January 2010, Knowles signed a three-year endorsement deal with Vizio She also appeared in two television commercials for Style Savvy, a fashion video game for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi. Five designs from her House of Deréon clothing line were available for download in the game. In February 2010, Knowles launched her first official fragrance, Heat. She re-recorded her cover version of "Fever" for the fragrance's television commercial. The commercial was banned from daytime television in the United Kingdom, after it had received 14 viewer complaints. The commercial, which begins with an image of Knowles appearing to lie naked in a room, had been deemed "too sexually provocative" to be seen by young children and was not shown before 7.30 pm. In February 2011, Knowles launched her second fragrance, Heat Rush. In April 2011, Knowles was sued by US game developer, Gate Five, for more than $100 million, who claimed she "destroyed [its] business ... on a whim". Gate Five alleged that Knowles changed her mind about plans for a game called Starpower: Beyoncé, forcing the company to sack 70 employees the week before Christmas 2010. Knowles' third fragrance, Pulse, was launched in September 2011.
and Destiny's Child band mate, Kelly Rowland, along with the former's family, founded the Survivor Foundation, a charitable entity set up to provide transitional housing for 2005 Hurricane Katrina victims and storm evacuees in the Houston area. The Survivor Foundation extended the philanthropic mission of the Knowles-Rowland Center for Youth, a multi-purpose community outreach facility in downtown Houston.Knowles donated $100,000 to the Gulf Coast Ike Relief Fund, which benefits victims of Hurricane Ike in the Houston area. She organized a fund raising benefit for Hurricane Ike relief through the Survivor Foundation. In 2005, music producer David Foster, his daughter Amy Foster-Gillies, and Knowles wrote "Stand Up for Love", which would serve as the anthem of World Children's Day, an event which takes place annually around the world on November 20 to raise awareness and funds for children's causes worldwide. Destiny's Child lent their voices and support as global ambassadors for the 2005 World Children's Day program.Knowles conducted food drives during stops on The Beyoncé Experience tour in Houston on July 14, Atlanta on July 20, Washington, D.C. on August 9, Toronto on August 15, Chicago on August 18, and Los Angeles on September 2, 2006.
On October 4, 2008, Knowles attended the Miami Children's Hospital Diamond Ball & Private Concert at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, where she was inducted into the International Pediatric Hall of Fame. Seven-year-old Ethan Bortnick dedicated and performed "Over the Rainbow" to Knowles.After completing work on Cadillac Records (2008), Knowles donated her entire salary to Phoenix House, an organization of rehabilitation centers around the country. Knowles visited a Brooklyn, New York site in preparation for portraying singer Etta James, who was once addicted to heroin. During this time, she recorded with various artists for "Just Stand Up!", a charity single for the Stand Up to Cancer charity. Joining Knowles on the song was Mariah Carey, Leona Lewis, Rihanna, LeAnn Rimes and Mary J. Blige, among others. Knowles also teamed up with the "Show Your Helping Hand" hunger relief initiative and General Mills Hamburger Helper. The goal was to help Feeding America deliver more than 3.5 million meals to local food banks. Knowles encouraged her fans to bring non-perishable groceries to her US concert tour stops.In January 2010, Knowles participated in the Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief. She appeared in London with Jay-Z, Rihanna, and U2's Bono and The Edge, where she performed a piano version of "Halo". Knowles was named the official face of the limited edition "Fashion For Haiti" T-shirt by the Council of Fashion Designers of America. The shirt, which reads: "To Haiti With Love", was designed by Peter Arnell, who also created the "Fashion for America" T-shirt which raised $2 million after 9/11.
On March 5, 2010, Knowles and her mother Tina Knowles, opened the Beyoncé Cosmetology Center at the Brooklyn Phoenix House. The program offers a seven-month cosmetology training course for men and women there. L'Oréal donated all the products to be used at the center, and Knowles, along with her mother, have pledged to donate $100,000 annually. In April 2011, Knowles joined forces with US First Lady Michelle Obama and the National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation to help boost her campaign against child obesity.Knowles reworked her single "Get Me Bodied" (2007) and renamed it "Move Your Body" for the Let's Move! Flash Workout initiative.On April 9, 2011, an instructional video, featuring a group of teenagers dancing to "Move Your Body" was released online. On April 26, 2011, Knowles released a video of her own version of the exercise routine. Following the death of Osama bin Laden, Knowles released a charity single titled "God Bless the USA", to help raise funds for the New York Police and Fire Widows' and Children's Benefit Fund. The song was originally released in 1984 by country musician Lee Greenwood. Its popularity increased after the September 11 attacks, and it was re-released following the 2003 invasion of Iraq. On July 27, 2012 it was revealed that Knowles would be releasing a music video for "I Was Here" as part of a global launch of World Humanitarian Day, held by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The video, which was directed by Kenzo Digital and Sophie Muller was filmed in front of a live audience at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on August 10. It premiered on August 18. The campaign aims to reach 1 billion people with a single message when it launches.
Source: wikipedia
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